Heartsong acknowledges that we do this work on unceeded land of first nations peoples including: the Confederated Tribes of Yakama, Warm Springs, Wasco, Klikitat and more. We strive to live and work in respect and integrity of their living stewardship and teachings.


Head * Heart * Hands

Education in Service of Life

Receive the children in reverence;

educate them in love;

let them go forth in freedom.

-Rudolf Steiner

Membership: Aftercare, Date Night & Seasonal Festivals

Join Heartsong membership and be the first to know about enrollment for annual programing as well as being able to sign up for Aftercare, Date Night and Seasonal Festivals.

Aftercare: creative arts and crafts to tag games and team-building are just a part of our diverse range of outdoor and indoor activities to cater to all ages and all seasons. Older children receive homework support, while play remains a cornerstone for our younger attendees.

Date Nights: A Parent’s Night Out structured around a rhythm of eating, playing, creating and resting, these monthly events end with children in their jammies with teeth brushed and resting with low lights so parents bring tired, fed, quite children home and straight to bed. It’s a kid party that is enjoyable for all.

Seasonal Festival: These occur throughout the year and are a hallmark of Waldorf Education. From Slaying Dragons to dancing the Maypole we celebrate the coming darkness in the Autumn and Winter and returning light through the Spring and Summer. The festivals root children and families in the beauty and wonder of the seasons and the natural rhythms of life on earth.


Children thrive in relationship to the natural world. Thus, Heartsong’s kinder programs center around a farm, garden and forest. Indoor spaces include a green house and sauna. Year around the children will spend half of their preschool time in the greenhouse and the other half outside playing. The greenhouse is a warm protected spaces with a strong connection to the elements, including a wood burning stove, earthen floor, natural light and plants growing year around.

Grades Curriculum

In the setting of a class room, a homestead and forest, children will engage all of their senses in understanding themselves, the world around them, and stretching and growing their innate capacities. Our educators offer lessons on age appropriate themes. There are no text books, rather each child artfully and carefully creates main lesson books as they come to embody the information presented by the teacher.

Farm & Forest Friday

Fridays are learning in action. Children will be attending to the life of the farm an forest learning skills that provide practical application of math, science, languages, art and more. This is a skill based program that is mostly outside and in the shop. Children’s activities follow seasonally and developmentally appropriate themes.

Summer Camp*

This summer, your children will be met in reverence and immersed in wonder. Plants, animals, pirates and mythical creatures will capture the imagination over three weeks of hands on, outdoor learning through play. Two separate camps meet children where they are at: Kinder camp for three-six year olds and Grades camp for seven to twelve year-olds. Limited Junior Counselor positions available for teenagers. Although the themes repeat, no two camps are exactly the same. Counselors bring new games, songs, stories, crafts and skills to each camp.

*Summer camp is open to the public. You do not need to be a member of Heartsong’s PMA to join camp.

An introductary video of our work.
